The Palace Saloon
The Palace Saloon was the last American tavern to close during Prohibition, and it survived that dry era as an ice cream parlor. Once a favorite haunt of the Carnegies, the Rockefellers and other socialites, The Palace Saloon is still operating today. In fact, it's one of the frequent stops on the Amelia Island Museum of History’s weekly walking tours of Historic Downtown Fernandina Beach.
The Palace continues to bring folks together. Old friends still gather here rubbing elbows with passing Shipcaptains and local well-to-do. And once news is swapped and formalities concluded, they get down to the more serious business of dustin' the sea spray off their jackets and enjoying the long-awaited shoreside beer. Go ahead, belly up to the bar, and as the bartender slides a mug of suds to you, the ghosts from ten decades past join in drinking to your health.
Fernandina Beach, Florida